Thursday, June 29, 2006


(the church)

You've got no reason to go
I'll make it up
I don't know

You've got no reason to stay
Any day

The flowers down the side of the house
this morning
The tiny wheels
within the whorl

A day pulled backwards
and then left drowning
So the future
can uncurl

You've got no reason to laugh
leads you down
the telepath

You've got no reason to cry
Any how
Any why

The women by the shore in the night are leaving
the angry dawn
that slyly grins

The soulscraper air that the boys are breathing
assembled paths
the tiny sins

you've got no reason to live
you've got no reason to die
any how any time

The music and the traffic and the rain are blending
the water meters
the fire escapes

Children in the present moment unending
Nobody knows
their former shapes

You've got no reason to live
You've got no reason to die
any how any time

from Forget Yourself --The Church
(best recited with music)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Root of Many of Our Problems

It dawned on me just now, I have no link to a site that explains the money issue. Am I my own worst enemy or what?

Nothing will change in the modern world, excepting calamities, until the money supply is democratised. Theives and schiesters have ruled our modern world since it began, because thieves and schiesters pretty much ruled the ancient world, and practically nobody knows this. The truth is so absurd that it is almost beyond belief. We truly are babes in the wood, except the dangers that lurk out there come not from a different species to us.

Do you want to improve the world? Would you be unwilling to stop the world from being improved? If you answered yes to both these questions then please, set aside 3 hours to watch the Money Masters video. Then buy the dvd from the official site - don't be a cheap bastard like me.

(Seriously though, I just bought my copy of The Money Masters dvd. I'm sure they didn't have a credit card option last time I tried.)

Friday, June 09, 2006

My New Word

I was writing something this morning, about what we will become if we don't wake up from our slumber with respect to Big Pharma: "...we will truly become droids - haemodroids." I said. Later I thought to Google it and it came up with nothing, but I was asked if I meant hemroids. It is with this incontrovertible evidence in my possession that I lay claim to having coined this term. I'll even tell you what it means if you can't figure it out for yourself.

I hesitated only for a moment before deciding to post this information, for while I had the Google machinery all fired up and at my disposal I though to check upon the status of another term I may well have thunk up independently - "hyper-rationalism" - and there were 1600 odd entries for it (including the non-hyphenated variant)! I'm not about to check through 1600 entries just to see how far back they can be dated, but there did seem to be evidence that my pre-1992 use of the term was decidedly early.

What a terrible terrible mess we find ourselves in when a Google search of the term "hyper-rationalism" will yield only 1600 responses.