Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dear America

Dear America,

You've got to stop your President and the other people who run your country from killing any more people than is absolutely necessary. Shit is gonna happen. You've got to stop the shit from getting out of hand.

It is not necessary for anyone to die - that is the base-line.

You can easily provide the world with what may turn out to be a new dark ages, if you don't manage to pull your collective head in.

The 9-11 Neo-Con heist has had a traffic accident in the getaway car - they don't know what to do at this particular moment, but they're in no mood to let the dream fall from their grasp. They aren't dangerous in their old 9-11 kind of way - their situation is new. They are becoming cornered, and are becoming dangerous in a different way.

And lets not forget - all that oil lies under somebody else's soil

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Benefits of a Collapse

We have to stop trying to transform the world around us in our efforts to save ourselves. The physical economy is only necessary in order to sustain our biological lives. The physical economy of the past century is a biological abomination - an abomination crafted with profit for the very few as the guiding principle.

We've become so lost as a result, so alienated from any inkling of what might truly make us happy, most of our efforts at future-building have become Quixotic.

We have to identify inside ourselves what we really need/want, but before we can do that we have to learn how to be honest with ourselves. We have a long way to go.

It would be a shame if we managed to turf our current masters out of their castles only to continue to live according to the rules and dictates that they, as our masters, fashioned for us. Losing your job ain't such a bad thing if it means regaining your humanity.


I can't be bothered regularly writing stuff to post on my very own blog. I can be bothered writing in order to communicate with other specific people. Anyway, that's my excuse for jamming stuff I write elsewhere on this blog.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Thieves and Mass Murderers

I don't know which hurts more - the fact that this was done in the first place, or the fact that the clowns that feed us the news have managed to engineer our obliviousness to this day. Or the possibility that the criminals involved may well continue on their merry way, unhindered.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I am a boy. I will become a man the day that the back of patriarchy is broken.

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. What the does that mean? It means that the last 2000 years were the age of Pisces. Fish. Jesus was a fisher of men. Fishing men out of the deep.

6 and more billion selves coming up from the deep, coming into "selfhood."

But it's over. Aquarius is water. We are back in the deep now. We have to learn that we all swim in the same deep waters .

Feminism is at its deepest ebb at the moment. All it seems to need is a longer period of employer funded maternity leave and it will be complete.

Completely masculine.

A complete patriarchy.

I'm not saying anything about what women can or cannot be. All I'm saying is that patriarchy is running amok. Motherfuckingly amok. And what does the feminine principle want? It wants more paid maternity leave. And more subsidised childcare.

Talk about dickless.