Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Nut Control

I think it would be wiser to make sure the army and the police never side against the people, by making sure they keep in touch with the difference between right and wrong, than it would be to make sure that the people are legally allowed to arm themselves to such an extent that they are capable of defeating the army and/or the police in any given dispute.

I think the latter idea is complete lunacy.

I think the "right to bear arms" is a trick played on the people by those that rule them - it is an illusory freedom, an access to an illusory means of self defence. They give the common man each access to the "ultimate" means of self defense, but the situation must be dire indeed for us ever to resort to it. We never do, do we? Except one at a time, going out "in a blaze of glory"(not). In the meantime, they buy almost unlimited room for themselves to abuse our weakness. And our weakness is our lack of organisation against tyranny.

That's the psy-op they've played on America - the common man thinks "whatever they do to me, as long as they don't take away my gun, I am still a whole man who is free." Bullshit! Once a peaceful person is forced to pick up a gun in order to defend their peaceful and honest lifestyle from attacks made against it by their very own government, then the battle is already 9/10ths lost.

Today we get told which direction the economy is headed. What happened to our right to have a say in how things are going to be? We're at the mercy of the plutocrats and their technicians.

Oh, but at least we're still allowed to own a gun - that's something isn't it?


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