Wednesday, January 25, 2006


One can sense today how a veritable capital 'A' Apocalyse might occur. (This, I hasten to disclose, coming from a person who hasn't voluntarily set foot in a church for over 20 years...). "Revelation; discovery; make revelation of the ultimate divine purpose."

There are any number of theories (conspiracy or not) out there, but things seem to be structured such that when the ones that turn out to be true reveal themselves to us as a civilisation, they will tend to do so in a great rush, all at once. This being due to the nature of repression (generalised and otherwise), with its tendency to be either functioning, or failing to function.

We hide our love, our joy, our exuberance, our attraction away every moment of the day in order to function in these modern times. That's repression. The brilliant, beautiful creatures that we are, the ridiculously magnificent world we inhabit, we must deny at every turn in order to function as expected in the man-made sociopolis. We allow ourselves to believe the lies that dominate our civilization. From big to small, every one counts towards the holding back of authentic behaviour.

I worry that we might be doomed because of the statistically insignificant number of children who will ever go on to be exposed at university to Marcuse. But my concern is unfounded - if Marcuse got many things right then the children may discover these things for themselves with or without any exposure to Marcuse. Marcuse merely pointed to the truth - and to this day the truth remains waiting in the world for others to notice.

And this seems to be happening. I can sense that people can sense that all is not well with even the most apparently innocuous aspects of our world - the veil is becoming tissue thin. Yet the difficulty lies in the fact that our living energies are developed and exist intertwined with the shackles that we might ultimately throw off. We don't know which bit goes and which stays.

Or at least we aren't yet willing to take the gamble of behaving according to our best guess. So much for Eros. Thanatos, on the other hand, is everywhere forcing the issue, cajoling us, making the status quo all but unbearable...

No pressure
No diamonds
(source of epigram: local church billboard)

Monday, January 16, 2006

The 9-11 crime

The 9-11 crime easily ranks as the most brazen crime ever committed. But at the very same time it is easily the grandest confession ever made. Its sheer brazenness betrays the fact that it is also unconsciously intended as a confession. It is an ultimatum disguising a plea: "You will either be with us all the way...or we will return to you. One way or another, we must be together again."

We may assume that the scale of the confession-crime is proportionate to the scale of the deception-crimes which prompted the confession-crime.

That is it in a nutshell, all that is left is to fill in the detail. And watch the drama unfold. Hope it doesn't involve any nukular calamities.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I Found Out

Funny that phrase "I found out." I found an exit, or I found a kind of release. How else could it be meant?

And it's funny when we find out about something - like I did today. I can't tell you about it yet - further finding out is required.

I can offer a substitute. Did you know that the World Trade Centre buildings were actually demolished with explosives on 9-11? (see side-bar link) Planes and/or fires don't knock buildings like that down. What a trick.

I can remember my disbelief lasted for a week after I stumbled upon my first explosive 9-11 site. I felt I'd found some genuine dangerously-gullible net loonies (I was quite new to the net), and I felt the need to protect myself from them. But my mind wouldn't let me ignore the issue - the issue for me being the physical anomaly of the first tower to fall failing to fall asymetrically. The top third should have dropped over the side and left the remaining two thirds standing, roughly, but it didn't (if you look closely at the videos you see it does rotate off to the appropriate side, but this movement is arrested by the collapse and free-fall of the rest of the building beneath it). And then there's the 100 other anomalies of the events of that day (see a David Ray Griffin paper or talk).

After a few hundred hours of 'research,' I was willing to admit there was some way-serious shit going down on September 11. And I still can't talk to my Mum about it! Or the rest of my family, or any of my friends bar one - and that was only to ask if she had merely heard of such a conspiracy theory. This truth is truly a burden. Some serious soul searching is required when you discover that the most powerful man in the world isn't merely a plutocrat - which you knew already - but has played a role in a colossal betrayal of all of humanity.

Who else is behind it? Who really is behind it? Like busting the local priest for fiddling with some of the children, the job that must be done can be done efficiently, or if botched, it can turn out to be as traumatic as the intitial crimes themselves.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Origins of Aggression/The Sham that is the Modern University

Here is a summary of a very interesting and important work: Like most interesting and important works, it goes all but completely unnoticed in the university - the supposed home of interesting and important works.
The survival of our species...the future of our planet...yada yada it, think it through, then pass it on.

(Bad) Narcissism and the Net

I've just made a few entries in my "profile." I feel more friggen unique already.

This will be an "anti-war" blog by the way - anti-war, anti-plutocracy, pro-love, pro-life (this will require some explanation), pro-democracy, pro-individual, pro-collective, pro-choice, pro-responsibility, will be all of these things.

And the one thing that most holds us back from achieving my vision of utopia is narcissism. At every turn the way has been paved for us to continue thinking of very little beyond our own individual concerns. It will not do.

Narcissism in the form of nationalism (or "patriotism") is, in the broadest view, the worst of our problems. We must get it into our heads that we are humans - members of a species - first and foremost, not members of this or that particular nation. Whether it be the USA, the nation of Islam, or Eritrea.
Running a close second, paradoxically, is our species chauvenism - if there wasn't a Big-Oil-lackey war-monger in the White House, species chauvenism would take out top spot (think here of the Clinton years). We continue to behave as if God personally gave us this earth to do with as we wish and that, furthermore, we aren't well on the way to destroying it and us as we know it and us (ahem). Will not do!

And blogging, as far as I can see, is one of the new ways created to allow the masses to fiddle, in a very self-absorbed way, while the earth burns.

P.S. By "pro-life" I mean, for example, that it is ethically more important to save the life of here-and-now humans - a starving child in Africa, a peaceloving family in Iraq - than it is to save the life of yet-to-be humans that haven't yet made it out of the womb. By "pro-life" I mean that the killing of life should be minimised, that, for example, it is absurdly hypocritical to be both pro-war and anti-abortion. Absurdly so.

Saving the World

So, I will spend some time - 6 months? a year? 10 years? - learning about "blogging," and actually "blogging." I will do this because I can't think of a better way to help change - to help save - the world. Saving the world isn't really what blogs were designed to do (on the contrary, I would say at this point in time...), but blogs and the internet itself are now occupying the hearts and minds of a very significant number of people who otherwise could be doing the work that is required to be done in order to "save" the world, so I will blog at the very least in order to be nearer to the people who, unbeknownst to them, hold the power.