Saturday, April 08, 2006


I've never seen it said, so I will say it now: The killing feilds of Cambodia would never have happened if America hadn't bombed the country to near oblivion. Today it is looked upon as the prime example of what Godless Communism is capable of. The ironies of this world never cease to dishearten me.

The bombs that fell on Cambodia were to a certain (large) extent an end in themselves - they were consumed so that the sons-of-bitches responsible for their production could earn a profit from it and move on to produce new and improved batches of bombs.

These bombs killed around 150 000 people, in villages and throughout the countryside. Can you imagine what it would have been like to survive such a bombing campaign? To see people week-in, week-out, being torn apart by bombs. And then there's the sheer physical assault of the bombs themselves - the noise, the pressure waves, the burst eardrums. And then there's the terror of not knowing where the next one is going to land. Surely many - probably most - would've been bordering on becoming unhinged with shell-shock.

What happened next was the country was left to fend for itself, and the people who survived the bombings took control.

Fuck you America, for being the nation that did that to those people. And fuck all of you present-day Americans who live with your head up your arse - all 99% of you [ok,ok, all 51% of you]. I hope one day you will truly see what your great nation can claim responsibility for.


Blogger qrswave said...

Hey, I like you! You say what's on your mind, but most importantly, you're right!

It's apalling isn't it. But, the internet is their undoing. I'm sure they are itching for a chance to close it down and shut off the truth.

12:48 PM  

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