Saturday, February 11, 2006

From Dusk 'til Dawn

Are they really going to do Iran over? Sober sources say it is quite likely.

I find it hard to believe they won't destroy much of what they seek to protect by doing so. But it all depends who 'they' are, and what they wish to protect.

Who are these bastards?

It's so funny - we thought we were free! We - well some of us - look at the trials and tribulations of the nations of the economic South on the TV - the corruption, the struggle for social and economic justice - and we breathe a sigh of relief, thanking our luck that we don't have such an uphill battle as they. But it's all started to turn sour now. If I were to pick a movie that sums up the last 10 years of world history, it would be From Dusk 'til Dawn, with George Clooney and others. Half way through this mild Pulp Fictiony tale, it goes all wacky! I'm no fan of silly horror movies, which is why I turned it off soon after, but maybe I should have another look - maybe its makers know something I don't...

There are mother-fuckers out there who get their kicks out of turning the world into the set of a snuff movie. They've done it before, and they want to do it again and again and again. And we as a whole don't even see it happening to us - that is another thing they get their kicks out of. 10 years ago we thought we were a good deal of the way towards liberty and sanity, even if there were dark clouds on the horizon. Today we wake up - those of us who do wake up - and discover we're actually living in a cage, and the cage is slowly being lowered into a vat of boiling oil, and someone is poking us in the ribs and wacking us over the head with sticks. And the people in the cage think it's other people in the cage doing the poking and wacking, but it's not, it's the people lowering the cage into the vat that are doing that.

We're being stitched up good and proper.


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